Posts Tagged ‘Public Figures’

Birthday Limerick For Franz Liszt

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Today, October 22, is the birthday of the Hungarian virtuoso pianist/composer/conductor Franz Liszt. Some people consider Liszt to be the world’s first rock star.

Birthday Limerick For Franz Liszt
By Madeleine Begun Kane

The pianist/composer named Liszt
Was as hot as the cancan and twist:
Caused a Beatle-like heat—
Gals would swoon from his beat
And the sounds he produced with each wrist.

Ode To A Despicable Person (Updated)

Saturday, April 12th, 2008

As you can probably tell, I was in a very bad mood when I wrote this limerick. (Tax filing season tends to do that to me.) 

But I was determined to write something using words from three different prompts in a single poem.  Why? I have absolutely no idea.   But here’s the product of a bud prompt, a fearless prompt and a flight prompt. For five points, can you name the person I’m describing in this limerick?

Ode To A Despicable Person
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Hey bud, don’t pretend to be fearless.
In your cowardice, you’re nearly peerless.
You took flight from your duty.
Your record’s no beauty.
You ought to be jailed and careerless.

Update: Here’s a haiku using the same three prompts, with my thanks to hubby Mark for the first two lines:

“This Bud is on me,”
Said the fearless flight steward,
Handing her a rose.