Posts Tagged ‘Film Humor’

Married To a Mush-Meister (Limerick)

Monday, December 26th, 2016

Hubby Mark savors films that are sappy,
And what’s crappy to ME makes him happy.
He’ll be glued to the screen
At the mushiest scene,
While I mentally keen, “Make it snappy!”

My Views On The Interview (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

My Views On The Interview (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A film that sounds rather inane
Was nearly sent right down the drain,
And with it free speech.
So I’m glad it will reach
Many viewers — though I shall abstain.

Rating The Movies

Thursday, December 26th, 2013

A recent Washington Post Style Invitational contest asked us to “suggest some new movie ratings to warn against various objectionable aspects of films.”

Here are my entries, one of which won me Second prize. Yippee!!! Can you guess which? (The answer will appear “upside down” at the end of this post.)

Rated BYOJ: A comedy so unfunny, you should “Bring Your Own Jokes.”

Rated DDM: “Dreadful Dramatic Music” can’t disguise the lack of a plot.

Rated THU: Too Hard to understand.

Rated WEF: Weird Enough to be Foreign.

Rated PGD: Rated “Please Get Dressed” because it features barely clad actors who don’t exercise enough.

Rated WOR: Way Over-Rated.

Rated DBG: “Don’t Bring your Girlfriend,” if you ever want to see her again.

Rated TVEFQT: Too Violent Even For Quenton Tarantino.

Rated P2BP: Pretending to be Profound.

Rated ZZZ: Impossible not to sleep through.

Rated SHIT: Stay Home. It’s Terrible.

And here (in upside down form) is the entry that won Second Prize:

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You can read all the winning entries here.