Omniscient About Omniscience? (Limerick)

Poets United’s prompt word today is omniscience, and it asks us to write a poem with authority:

Omniscient About Omniscience? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Omniscience is fine when in verse
And in fiction, but few things are worse
Than know-it-all guys
Dispensing big lies.
Take your fake expertise and disperse!

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11 Responses to “Omniscient About Omniscience? (Limerick)”

  1. Totally agree with this! Really enjoyed it.

  2. Shirdog says:

    Great take on Omniscience from the maven of limericks.

  3. Madeleine,

    Very clever and of course very true….The definition of a near expert:)


  4. You totally nailed it, kiddo!

  5. So true! And very funny, too :)

  6. Sara v says:

    Your words made me think of all the songs written about this–lately Mr. Know-it-All and one of my favorites by Sara Barielles King of Anything :-) Great Limerick as always!

  7. Ha ha ha, well done – as always. :-D

  8. And not just the guys, I sadly relate!

  9. Krishneel Kumar says:

    True…true :-)

  10. z. alexi says:

    How snugly will this sprightly & sagacious ode fit into my back pocket…to have on deck to whip out when a gong strikes for my word arsenal. Whisper: “Braggadocio & insolence is so-o last century…& hifalutin spuriousness is suffocating, achoo. Now will you marry me?” That usually shuts the windbag up…’til you can make an escape. Bull-throwers need to be called out…U.S. is turning into liars~~under oath, to parents, to MDs, to bosses, to cops, to att’ys, to insurers, to pals, to shrinks/marriage counselors, to every1.

    Now, Mad, send us something to put ’em into temporary comas!

  11. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for all your interesting comments!