Limerick Degree (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A fellow who had a degree…*


A woman who had a degree…*

*(Minor variations to my first lines are acceptable, but rhyme words may not be altered.)

Here’s my limerick:

Limerick Degree
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A fellow who had a degree
In law, yes, the dreaded JD,
Found the market dried up,
So he sang for his sup
On a ship after going to sea.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please email Subject: MadKane’s Newsletter. Thanks!

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68 Responses to “Limerick Degree (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Michael Grove says:

    A woman who had a degree
    with a major in philosophy
    wore a white paper hat
    and ask, “want fries with that?”
    still remains a calm interviewee.

    by Michael Grove

  2. Michael Grove says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    outfoxed the district attorney
    with incredible luck
    since no evidence stuck.
    T’was the fruit of the poisonous tree.

    by Michael Grove

  3. colonialist says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Put on airs most interminably,
    Until he was told
    ‘Keep your boasting on hold –
    Your one is of stu-pid-ity!’

    A fellow who had a degree,
    Accepting it, said gratefully,
    ‘Though one is no fun,
    It’s better than none –
    For naught is at freezing, you see!’

  4. brian says:

    a fellow who had a degree
    had luck you would hardly believe
    got himself a job
    a bank to be robbed
    to pay his tuition you see

  5. I always love your limericks,
    Oh and your hubby’s Valentine Ode Limerick was fab too.
    Will mull over this one…

  6. A woman who had a degree
    In freezing out poor company
    Used her most frosty glare
    And her teeth she would bare
    To all those she deemed lacked pedigree.

  7. A fellow who had a degree
    Failed at playing his new DVD
    He said, “What a fool!
    “All that time spent at school,
    “And I cannot turn on my TV?”

  8. Pat Hatt says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Thought he was better off than me
    While he slave away
    I lie around all day
    And can also lick where I pee

  9. Robert Schechter says:

    A woman who earned a degree
    In English said, “Oh lucky me!
    The honor! The glamor!
    The job-offer clamor!
    What’s that? No, the pickles are free.”

  10. Robert Schechter says:

    A woman who had a degree
    Of dignity said, “Don’t you see?
    That asswipe Santorum
    Owes the woman who bore him
    A humongous, sincere ‘Pardon me’?”

  11. A woman who had a degree
    Thought teaching was her cup of tea
    But the kids that she taught
    They lied and they fought
    So, fed up, she killed two or three

  12. Jim Delaney says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Thought tuition should always be free.
    “Fees are just for the birds”
    Are the spirited words
    That he calls from his home, in a tree.

  13. A fellow who had a degree…
    Was the first of his family tree…
    But ‘though he was first in his class…
    Couldn’t find work to save his ass…
    And now he writes limericks for free.

  14. Robert Schechter says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Met another who boasted of three:
    One was from grade school,
    Another from trade school,
    The third an online GED.

  15. scott says:

    A woman who had a degree,
    told the would-be nominee.
    “Put your head ‘tween your knees,
    and give it a squeeze.
    Leave my contraception to me!”

  16. Rinkly Rimes says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Said ‘No-one is smarter than me!’
    Then he fell off his perch,
    And was left in the lurch,
    When he couldn’t spell ‘Fiddle-dee-dee.’

  17. daisy mae simon says:

    A woman who has a degree
    Of a fever above 103
    Pukes and loses decorum
    Bugged by Mitt, Newt, Santorum
    She gets sick when they speak on TV

  18. Rachel says:

    So many great entries so far! Hmmm…. let me see if I can come up with one… :)

    A fellow who had a degree
    Gave back to his school gen’rously
    When they said his cash
    Bought him the backsplash –
    His thoughts could inspire all who pee!

    As always, visit my blog to link to the news article that inspired this rhyme! :)

  19. Veralynne says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Thought to self, while on bended knee,
    “Though she’s built like a filly colt
    Her mind is like that of a dolt!”
    He arose, said instead, “Excuse me.”

  20. Kathy El-Assal says:

    A woman who had a degree,
    In the law, could successfully plea
    For her cause, women’s rights,
    In the birth control fights
    That the House sought to limit to “HE”.

  21. zongrik says:

    A Bachelor who had a degree
    Was a snob you could plainly see.
    Girls found him egocentric
    when he played the eccentric,
    and sipped only Darjeeling Tea.

    snob limerick

  22. Kathy El-Assal says:

    A woman who had a degree,
    En francais, took a trip to Paris.
    She was very polite
    So she took great delight
    In saying “je t’aime” and “merci”.

  23. Steve Bumgarner says:

    A fellow who had a degree,
    Took the lowly job sweeping debris.
    No stress, but a hitch
    Minimum wage is a bitch.
    At this rate he’d not make bourgeoisie.

  24. Lee Magilow says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    thought “Finding a job? I’m home free!”
    But what he did not know
    was the field would grow
    To ten million two thousand and three.

  25. kaykuala says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Hoped it’d open doors easily
    Sadly not!
    Luck’s out
    You win some, you lose some, see!

  26. Mama Zen says:

    Beware the dreaded JD!

  27. Michael Grove says:

    A teenager earned a degree.
    She was raised as a child prodigy.
    While her parents were proud
    her head stuck in a cloud
    and she grew up quite persnickety.

    by Michael Grove

  28. Thomas says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    in physics, as one could easily see
    calculated a curve
    and then had the nerve
    to demonstrate gravity with a pee

  29. Mark Megson says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Was wondering what use it could be
    As he remained unemployed
    And feeling annoyed
    Decided to use it for origami

  30. G-Man says:

    Madelaine…I think I’ll try my hand at this next week…G

  31. A fellow who had a degree
    Could get you one too, for a fee.
    ‘With a Bachelor of Art
    You could make out you’re smart
    But it’s more for the full MSc’

  32. hedgewitch says:

    A woman who had a degree
    was appalled by the haut bourgeousie
    who claimed intellection
    but prized wealth collection
    above even crumpets at tea.

  33. A fellow who had a degree
    in Catering Tech-nol-ogy
    Said “You really should try it
    It’s so on your diet
    You’ll be as slim, as a leaf on that tree!”

  34. Veralynne says:

    A woman who had a degree
    Of decorum thought she’d never see
    Herself drunk, in disorder
    But, while south of the border,
    She let everyone see, nastily!

  35. Veralynne says:

    Some phonies who have a degree
    Came by them unlike you and me.
    “Legacy,” Skull & Bones, wealth,
    Does naught for intellect, mental health.
    Repug candidates? What do you see?

  36. Veralynne says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Scraped by with grade average “C”.
    Successful and famous today
    His scholarship fund a giveaway:
    C-average students exclusively!

    Ya know him, ya love him and
    Ya can’t live without him ‘n’ the band
    He makes us laugh when we need,
    He’s a rare and wonderful breed.
    He’s Dave Letterman! Give him a hand!

  37. Veralynne says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    scraped by with a grade av’rage “C”.
    Now well known and a “name,”
    His scholarship fund has the aim
    To serve C students exclusively.

    Ya know him, ya love him and
    Ya can’t live without him ‘n’ the band.
    He’s made us laugh whenever we need
    Thirty years we’ve been watching him bleed.
    David Letterman! Let’s give him a hand!

  38. A fellow who has a degree
    A doct’rate in something, you see,
    His name is Gabor
    Which I pronounce Gabber
    Because he has gossiped ’bout me.
    A Canadian who got a degree
    In British-in-India history
    Couldn’t come back
    To BC, alack!
    No one at home would hire poor he.
    A fellow who had a degree
    From McGill could not teach Grade Three
    Had to get an Ed Dip
    Thus delaying his trip
    To teach in the North Territ’ry

  39. Ira Bloom says:

    A fellow who had a degree,
    After bar-room free-lance punditry,
    (mostly logical judo,
    and intellect, pseudo),
    Needed reconstructive dentistry.

  40. sideview says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Thought staying should be free
    So he did not pay the bank
    And is now in the tank
    Girlfriend to Mr legerdemain.

  41. Pam Kadlec says:

    A woman who had a degree
    Of sense, and she looked just like me
    Was offered a place
    In the Rat Race,
    Declined, said she’d rather be free

  42. J Sardo says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Went on a drunken spree
    He landed in jail
    And couldn’t make bail
    Then got caught again trying to flee.

    A woman who had a degree
    Was thrilled with her PhD
    She landed a job
    Growing corn on the cob
    That fake hormones made big as a tree.

  43. ‘Dreaded’ maybe, but I’m told that ole JD can come in handy at times …

    A turkey who had a degree
    Vowed, “This Thanksgiving thing ain’t for me!”
    In a mood of defiance
    Willed his body to science,
    Then gave thanks that he’d done that JD!

  44. A fellow who had a degree
    Held it up for the whole world to see.
    He said,”Four years in school
    And I’m still the same fool
    Except now I’m in debt, lucky me.”

  45. a fellow who had a degree
    in kart-racing, that set him free
    but for god’s sake
    where on earth is the break?
    so up in a tree ended he

  46. Sara McNulty says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    in the field of psychiatry
    found he could not cope,
    prescribed himself dope
    now he’s bi-polar, but he disagrees.

  47. Sara McNulty says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    in English, penned poor poetry.
    his verses were trite
    no agents would bite,
    so he self-published for a huge fee.

  48. Granny Smith says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    In Political Sci (Ph.D)
    Said, “I know my vote voice
    Doesn’t leave me much choice
    How I wish I could count up to 3!”

  49. A woman who earned her degree
    Was proud of her new PHD.
    If only the doctor
    Who served as her proctor
    Had tested her not on her knee.

  50. Squidward

    A fellow who earned a degree
    While studying under the sea
    Formed such a devotion
    To life in the ocean,
    He settled there permanently!

  51. A fellow who earned a degree
    While watching some shows on TV
    Could not understand,
    With diploma in hand,
    Why no type of job was to be.

  52. Nara Malone says:

    A novelist dabbling in poetry
    in her web surfing happened to see
    A call to try her hand
    at a form she didn’t understand
    and challenged her creativity.

  53. jabblog uk says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Was stung on his lip by a bee;
    He uttered a curse,
    And then did much worse
    By flattening the bee on a tree.

    A woman who had a degree
    Decided to work in TV;
    She fronted the news,
    But stated her views
    And was told that wasn’t PC.

    A fellow who had a degree
    Decided to set out to sea,
    He donned sailing boots
    And severed his roots
    Leaving home with prodigious glee.

    A woman who had a degree
    Worked hard to update her CV;
    She wanted a post
    To give her the most
    Enjoyment and autonomy.

  54. Tom Hale says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Delivered a pizza to me
    I questioned his lot
    He said, “That’s the upshot
    When you major in philosophy.”

  55. Gordon Richmond says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    Of loss with a case of E.D.,
    Because he was winning
    Up to the ninth inning,
    Limped onward indomitably.

  56. Gordon Richmond says:

    A woman who had a degree
    From Harvard, Yale and M.I.T.
    Was told that she can
    Earn as much as a man
    By serving wings at K.F.C.

  57. Johanna Richmond says:

    Santorum, who has a degree
    (BA, MBA and JD),
    Now says: “Satan’s your guest,
    Academia’s best.
    Save yourself — be a dumb-ass like me!”

  58. RJ Clarken says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    in wine tasting, liked his Chablis
    from the Dauvissat vines.
    “It’s the wine that defines
    and it’s Grand Cru, which really is key.”

  59. RJ Clarken says:

    A woman who had a ‘degree’
    was called the next Madame Curie
    since her techniques and theories
    and physicist series
    were at Panthéon in Le Paris.

  60. RJ Clarken says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    in forensics, said, “I disagree
    with the cause of this death.
    It’s not drugs; it’s bad breath
    that’s the killer. The stink’s killing me.”

  61. Matt Monitto says:

    A fellow who had a degree
    That was based upon D after D
    (Not your average lout)
    Now possesses some clout
    After holding the presidency.

  62. Johanna Richmond says:

    The woman who had a degree
    In Hegelian Philosophy?
    Oh, she’s doing just swell
    In her well-padded cell
    Singing fiddle me diddly dee.

  63. Khush says:

    A woman who had a law degree,
    Tried hard, but didn’t seem to agree,
    With her own folks and others,
    Including all her brothers,
    Some said- blame it on the pedigree

  64. Michelle Hed says:

    Tea Time

    A fellow who had a degree
    fell into the Sea of Galilee;
    He sputtered and spit,
    until God soothed his fit,
    now he meets with the Pope for high tea.

    Rubber Room

    A woman who had a degree
    was overcome with potpourri;
    She saw elephants fly
    she tried to jump in the sky,
    she now lives within a rubber tree.

  65. Michael Grove says:

    A shyster who had a degree
    became a bankruptcy trustee.
    With her case files stacked deep,
    she would fleece all the sheep.
    Got off lightly when she copped a plea.

  66. A woman who had a degree
    Had a thing for a baker named Lee
    She said as they started to dance
    “Is that an eclair in your pants?
    Or are you just excited to see me?”

    ( I’ll steal anything )

  67. A woman who had a degree
    Found work as a trial attorney
    She thought justice would always prevail
    And the innocent would not go to jail
    But naive she would turn out to be.

  68. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your fun limericks! This Limerick-Off is officially over. And the winner is…

    Congratulations to the Limerick of the Week winner and the Honorable Mention winners: Limerick of the Week 50.

    But don’t worry. You can still have fun with limericks because a new Limerick-Off has already begun.