Sundry Verse About Writing Poetry

Haiku hankering
mixed with lim’rick addiction —
housework hiatus.


I am on a quest
For haiku or senryu.
Mission accomplished.


line breaks can seduce readers
into thinking
you’ve said something


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5 Responses to “Sundry Verse About Writing Poetry”

  1. kaykuala says:

    Very good haikus and a guiding light on how it should be. And you are one of a rare find always with a limerick, an offering I find difficult to create. One must have that sense of humor to create a notable one. I will try though!


  2. I
    these were wonderful…but…
    it is the last one
    that really made me


  3. madkane says:

    Thanks so much Kaykuala and Jeanne. Fun verse, Jeanne!

  4. That last one should be framed and hung over every poet’s desk!

  5. amanda moore says:

    Hey Mad I like the last one a lot!Are you trying your hand at Gogyohka? Awesome either way!