Fair Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)

It’s Limerick-Off time, once again. And that means I write a limerick, and you write your own, using the same first line. Then you post your limerick here and, if you’re a Facebook user, on Facebook too.

The best submission will be crowned Limerick Of The Week. (Here’s last week’s Limerick Of The Week Winner plus the Honorable Mentions.)

How will your poems be judged? By meter, rhyme, and cleverness. (If you’re feeling a bit fuzzy about limerick writing rules, you can find some helpful resources listed here.)

I’ll announce the Limerick of the Week Winner right before I post next week’s Limerick-Off. So that gives you a full week to submit your clever, polished verse.

I hope you’ll join me in writing a limerick with this first line:

A gal who was lovely and fair…

Here’s mine:

Fair Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

A gal who was lovely and fair
Had a spouse who’d gone heaven knows where.
She suspected foul play.
She’s the victim, I’d say:
An affair in his lair caused her scare.

Please feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, I hope you’ll join my friends in that same activity on my Facebook Limerick-Off post.

To receive an email alert whenever I post a new Limerick-Off, please send me an email requesting the alerts. You’ll find my email address on the upper right sidebar, in the “Author” section just below my Limerick-Offs button. Thanks!

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56 Responses to “Fair Limerick (Limerick-Off Monday)”

  1. Matty says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    accepted an interesting dare
    she married for money
    and called him her honey
    and now they are quite a rich pair

  2. hansi says:

    OK…Begging forgiveness in advance from all the ladies, here’s mine:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Had some long blond curly hair.
    She was a fine young lass
    With a nice little ass
    And did I mention, she also had a nice pair.

    You can unleash your scorn now

  3. A guy who was lovely and fair
    Was often subject to doubt and dispare
    He fell in love with himself
    Which was not good for his health
    And he started going downhill when he lost all his hair

  4. Tilly Bud says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    In her world had nary a care
    Till the sad day arrived
    Into badness she dived
    With piercings, tattoos and shaved hair

  5. RJ Clarken says:

    A girl who was lovely and fair?
    He wondered if she had a spare,
    because with Viagra,
    he’d flow like Niagara.
    To waste this would just be unfair.

  6. A gal who was lovely and fair,
    Wed a prince, an actual heir
    But soon, what the heck?
    She was touring Quebec!
    O Canada! Why’d we go there?

  7. Jesse Levy says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    had a quite intense stare.
    Her eyes were like lasers
    Her touch just like tasers
    No wonder her lovers were rare.

  8. Laurie Kolp says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    bought bath salts to soak in elsewhere.
    With one little sniff,
    she dreamed of a cliff
    and dove in her tub unaware.

  9. A girl who was lovely and fair
    dyed her hair red for a dare
    despite the red thatch,
    collar and cuffs didn’t match
    and her fella did nothing but swear

  10. RJ Clarken says:

    A girl who was lovely and fair
    got a job as a family’s au pair.
    She gave birth to a child
    of the “Gov’, now reviled.
    ‘He’ll be back’ ‘though, so please don’t despair.

  11. Rinkly Rimes says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Went around with her top half all bare.
    She was grabbed by police
    Who said ‘This stunt must cease!
    You really should grow longer hair.’

  12. scott says:

    A gal who is lovely and fair,
    has a website where I can share,
    my verse and my wit,
    but I’m so full of shit,
    she can probably smell me from there.

  13. Veralynne says:

    A gal who is lovely and fair
    With locks of long, wavy hair
    Takes her lim’ricks wheree’er she goes
    Like her rep, her hair just a-grows
    Look out! She’s off on a tear!

    Personalities, news and weather
    She posts them separately and together
    Entertainment it seems
    Fulfills all her dreams
    Her disposition is as light as a feather.

    It’s really hard to laugh at politics
    We do it to keep from killing the dicks
    Who can so easily abuse us
    And believe they can use us
    When they’re nothing but useless pricks.

    I wish I could think it was funny
    That they arrange to steal all of our money
    They should be in jail
    And never get bail
    But for them, life is nothing but sunny.

    Thanks to Mad, we can giggle
    She’ll poke, prod and wiggle
    To get words to rhyme
    Matching metres every time!
    Wish I could be patient and not jiggle!

  14. Victoria says:

    A lass who was lovely and fair
    Knelt down so to offer this prayer
    “Dear Lord, through your grace
    give the devil a chase
    for this gent is just too debonair.”

    Though she tried not to notice his charm
    His green eyes had the pow’r to disarm
    the most innocent maid
    with his daring charade.
    She awakened, dismayed, in his arm.

  15. J Sardo says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Had the temper of a mean grisly bear
    She went for a ride
    Was pulled over to the side
    And to the trooper she went on a tear.

    Now the trooper was no wimp for sure
    He took all he could possibly endure
    Though the gal huffed and puffed
    She had her wrists quickly cuffed
    And found herself deep in manure.

  16. Jane says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Didn’t fret when she lost all her hair.
    Since, transgendered to male,
    Though his scalp now is pale,
    Low-maintenance baldness lends flare.

  17. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Worked as a concessionaire,
    With goods contraband,
    And fine sleight of hand,
    She quickly became a millionaire

    All the publicity and glare
    Made the IRS get in her hair
    They plotted, they planned
    And lo! caught her offhand
    Turning a blind eye to laissez faire

    Our gal full of spunk and dare,
    Did manage to evade their snare,
    Based now in Seychelles,
    Heading some cartels,
    She lives there, a fair billionaire

  18. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Longed for a beau fine an’ debonair
    But the dishy were rubbishy
    Uppish , even swishy,
    So she wed a crusty ol’ billionaire!

  19. Ira Bloom says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Told the guy in the director’s chair
    “For this role I would pose
    In your room with no clothes
    On my back, with my legs in the air.”

  20. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Just didn’t like washing her hair.
    It got so entangled
    And wiry and brambled
    That Sparrows began nesting there.

  21. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Often liked to lure men to her lair
    She dampened her vest
    And puffed out her chest
    Then lay with her legs in the air.

    Oops, cheeks flaming now!

  22. Old Raven says:

    Hm … never wrote a limerick before.

    a gal who was lovely and fair…
    cried terribly after loosing her hair
    each strand was pulled out
    by a real lout
    who was otherwise a cute kid

    (now half way through this I concluded that I needed to google limerick)

    but obviously had issues with his id
    what would SFreud say today heaven forbid
    if he looked down from above
    to see them in love
    funnier things have happened you know

  23. Shammi says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Always wore dresses that were “barely there”;
    Said she, when asked why:
    “It’s true, I’m shy,
    – but I like to make the men stare.”

  24. Priya says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    With long golden flowing hair,
    Was rescued from her tower,
    By a prince of great power
    Who used her hair as a stair.

  25. scott says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair,
    had strawberry scent in her hair,
    and nice melons to boot,
    a real passion fruit,
    but now she is shaped like a pear.

  26. Jingle says:

    it is always cool to read you.
    fun one.

  27. Granny Smith says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    To others seemed quite debonair.
    She really was shy,
    Never slept with a guy
    But only her old Teddy Bear.

  28. Andy says:

    This is so much fun to read.
    You certainly know how to get everyone’s rhyme going!

    Great way to start the week.

    Nice one!

  29. Johanna Richmond says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Drew men who felt licensed to stare.
    So she carried a sign
    That read “My body’s MINE —
    Show respect or risk hospital care!”

  30. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Liked luring men into her dark lair
    The cruel dominatrix
    With her whip gave them flicks
    And they went home with welts everywhere.

  31. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone for your fun limericks. And please keep them coming!

  32. Pat Hatt says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Was always completely unaware
    She strolled down the street
    To a rock n roll beat
    Completely and utterly bare

  33. a gal who was lovely and fair
    was courted because of her hair
    ’twas golden and long
    the subject of songs
    but her face, it did give them a scare

  34. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Caught heck when she let down her hair
    Men they would hound her
    Rudely surround her
    And that’s why she shaved her head bare!

  35. RJ Clarken says:

    A girl who was lovely and fair
    said, “I really could give a care,”
    which grammatically errs
    but it’s what she prefers,
    “cuz I speak quite well English,” she’ll swear.

  36. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Often posed like a star on the stair,
    Until one day she crashed
    And that pretty face smashed,
    Now her smile is, alas, rather rare.

  37. A gal who was lovely and fair
    Always strolled with her midriff a’ bare,
    The gents of the town
    Couldn’t help but look down,
    But the matron did nothing but glare.

  38. brian miller says:

    a gal who was lovely and fair
    once dated a man on a-dare
    far below standard
    for ugly he’s branded
    but love came along with a flare

    lol. i try. far short but…

  39. Altonian says:

    A girl who was lovely and fair
    Gave all her young boyfriends a scare
    She behaved like a bitch
    And said she was a witch
    Soon none of the fellows was there


    A girl who was lovely and fair
    Did remarkable things with her hair
    Dyed it red white and blue
    Then she got a tattoo
    But I’m not going to tell you just where


  40. Anu says:

    Thank you for your comment thanking me on my site.

    It is we who should say thank you for organizing this and giving us an opportunity to test our limerick skills!

  41. Granny Smith says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    In love with a pilot might dare
    To ask for a date.
    She’ll just have to wait.
    Her fate is still up in the air.

  42. poemblaze says:

    A girl who was lovely & fair
    ran through the city all bare.
    The townsfolk were shocked
    then later mocked
    ’cause she was red everywhere.

  43. Granny Smith says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Was a difficult person to scare.
    Broken mirrors bring fears
    Of seven bad years?
    On reflection, she just didn’t care.

  44. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair,
    Caught sunning her rear in fresh air,
    Laughed; pulled up pink bloomers.
    Her watchers heard rumors
    She liked it when locals would stare.

  45. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Grew used to how people would stare.
    She vowed she’d be mayor
    And all would obey ‘er;
    She’d delegate, nude, from her chair.

  46. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair…
    “To eat?” asked the third, Baby bear.
    “We love Goldilocks
    In her cute little frocks,”
    Mused Papa, “Though she broke your chair.”

    “But why did she run to the wood?
    I’ll leave her alone, if we should,
    But she sure smelled tasty!”
    “Son, let’s not be hasty,”
    Sighed Mama: “It’s hard to be ‘good’…”

  47. Dr. Goose says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    And an ape with much bodily hair,
    With a dignified carriage,
    Would consummate marriage
    A thousand feet high in the air.

  48. Kavita says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    What others thought, she didn’t care
    She wore her paisley maxi
    And hailed a yellow taxi
    With not a penny to pay the fare

    Yea.. no match for yours, Madeleine.. but I tried.. :)

  49. Shashi says:

    I enjoyed your limerick so much..so beautiful…

    Thanks for joining in the Poetry Potluck WK 43 which I am hosting for the first time… hope you have liked it too…. and wish to see you again…

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  50. Mike Patrick says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair,
    once found a dead frog in her hair.
    She jumped all about
    and started to shout;
    get it out, I don’t like that thing there.


  51. Mike says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair,
    Neglected her face and her hair.
    She spent her life giving,
    And now she is living
    With beauty and laughter to spare!

  52. Mike says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Thought she could dance like old Fred Astaire.
    But out on the floor
    Her cut was a bore,
    And ended each eve in a chair!

  53. Mike says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Wished her freckles would just disappear.
    But there they all sat,
    While she cursed and she spat,
    And so now she has ugly to spare!

  54. Mike says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Was a judge you could never compare.
    She’d give equal voice,
    And make such a choice
    That both parties found justice to spare!

  55. Mike says:

    A gal who was lovely and fair
    Put mustard and dill in her hair!
    She used this new goo
    Instead of shampoo
    So the men would all not stop and stare!

  56. madkane says:

    Thanks again everyone for your delightful limericks. This Limerick-Off is officially over, and you can view the Limerick of the Week Winner’s list here.

    But you can still have fun writing limericks. In fact, a new Limerick-Off challenge has just been posted.

    Hope to see you all there!