Insincere Limerick

Insincere Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

“I love when you buy me cute ties.”
“That petite fits you fine — it’s your size.”
“Your acting is great.”
“Your cooking’s first rate.”
Ah, the charm of those little white lies.

(Inspired by Jingle Poetry’s deception and misrepresentation prompt.)

UPDATE: I just found out that April 30 is National Honesty Day. It’s celebrated by politicians … just about nowhere.

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20 Responses to “Insincere Limerick”

  1. scott says:

    Oh Mad, you are not even trying.
    I think that your talent is dying.
    Of all of your verse,
    this one’s the worst,
    And I hope you can tell that I’m lying!

  2. Bob Kennedy says:

    Ah, the charm of those little white lies!
    “It’s the motion that matters, not size!”
    “Your children are charming,
    Your mom’s not alarming,
    Your employees find you fair AND wise!”

  3. We must, must, must have them! They are the oil of peaceful family life!

  4. madkane says:

    Thanks, everyone, and fun verse scott and Bob!

  5. Jingle says:

    charms of little lies are acceptable, agree?

    Thanks for sharing…


  6. Teri C says:

    There is something to be said about saying all the right things. It makes us all happy.

  7. madkane says:

    Thanks for your comments Jingle and Teri.

  8. JamieDedes says:

    Chuckles. Well done. Haven’t I heard that song before? :-) Sigh!

  9. madkane says:

    Thanks, Jamie!

  10. becca givens says:

    what fun … and fun limerick responses as well. thanks for the chuckle … becca

  11. Mary says:

    Love the limerick!

  12. Nicole says:

    Ha! This is wonderful and so true, if those white lies are the only ones the a person should encounter, count themselves lucky!

  13. fiveloaf says:

    you never failed to cheer me up kane.. and btw this is no white lie haha! here’s mine.. paper scribbles

  14. Victoria says:

    This is great. Only you could make this thene fun!!!

  15. madkane says:

    Thanks so much everyone!

  16. mia lombardi says:

    that was really really cute! it made me smile!

  17. madkane says:

    Thanks Mia. Glad you liked it!

  18. The Fool says:

    Nice funny limerick

  19. brenda w says:

    Ha! Another great limerick, and that’s not a lie!

  20. madkane says:

    Thanks very much The Fool and Brenda!