Fruity Limerick

Lately, I’ve been having lots of fun with Big Tent’s poetry prompts. Its latest prompt asks us to write a poem about fruit or to pen some other food-related poetry. My Fruity Limerick is only partially true … and I leave it to you to guess which part.

Fruity Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There’s exceedingly little dispute
That it’s healthy to eat lots of fruit.
I don’t eat much. My reason?
The very short season
Of fruits I enjoy in a flute.

(I have lots more food humor here.)

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20 Responses to “Fruity Limerick”

  1. Bobby Clark says:

    Hmmmm…grapes for Champaigne?

  2. Bobby Clark says:

    She doesn’t eat fruit
    unless poured in a flute.
    Must be grapes
    Found in the vinyard she traipses
    Drinking to escape from that brute.

  3. Hansi says:

    Here’s one the recovering lawyer in ya might enjoy.

    She loves to drink her favorites in a flute.
    The ones fermented, if you’re astute.
    May not be very healthy.
    Or just reserved for the wealthy,
    But drinking fruits from a flute? the point is moot.

  4. madkane says:

    Thanks for your verse Bobby and Hansi!

  5. SarahJ says:

    Very fun response!
    To be honest, I also find a lot of fruit “unenjoyable” – mealy apples, dried out tangerines. I hardly trust peaches anymore…

    but I enjoyed your limerick.

  6. Oh How Fun your blog is! What a great place to visit when in need of a smile! I’ll have to try my hand at limericks too one of these days!

  7. Elizabeth says:

    Fresh out of limericks today. That’s okay, cause I can come here to get some, anytime. And I like the idea of drinking fruit from a flute. You can always make me smile,


  8. barbara says:


    though there is always:
    melon ball, melon ball, strawberry, pour;
    sip fruity bubbles and pour some more
    repeat, repeat, repeat.

  9. Tumblewords says:

    Can’t say that I blame you! Fun, as always.

  10. Laurie Kolp says:

    You’ve heard what they say about beans
    (If not then just ask a few teens)
    They’re the magical fruit
    Like a horn they will toot
    So stick with grapes by all means

  11. carolee says:

    some fruit makes me nervous. :) but fruit in a flute? yes, i think i could be on board. fun!

  12. madkane says:

    I’ve really enjoyed your “fruity” comments and verse. Thanks so much!

  13. RJ Clarken says:

    Perhaps you might sip from a chalice.
    (i.e. Danny Kaye’s drink at the palace.)
    But beware bitter nectar:
    some fruits bear the spectre
    of sweetness along with some malice.

  14. madkane says:

    Thanks for the versified warning RJ. :) I enjoyed it.

  15. mark says:

    Limericks are so much fun. Sadly, the only ones I recall I can’t repeat anymore.

    I read this through a couple of times before the ‘A-ha!’ light bulb went off, and I got the thrust of the limerick. I enjoy having to think a little, so this is a gem.

  16. madkane says:

    Thanks, Mark! I’m always amazed at people who can recite limericks by memory. Five minutes after I’ve written and posted one, it’s vanished from my brain.

  17. Erin says:

    Very clever. Love the twist at the end. I always admire a well done Limerick!

  18. madkane says:

    Thanks, Erin!

  19. Deb says:

    A flute … of champagne?!?! Ah, sweet grapes.

    I loved the disagreement of “exceedingly little” right away!

  20. madkane says:

    Thanks Rob and Deb!