Lost Cause? (Limerick and Haiku Prompt — Open Through February 14th)

Before I get to today’s limerick and haiku theme, I want to thank you for the many kind comments and emails concerning my father’s death.  I was very touched by your thoughtfulness. 

My latest limerick and haiku prompt topic is absent-mindedness and memory. First, my limerick:

“Please help me! I really need aid,”
Said a lady who looked quite afraid.
“Seems I can’t find my purse,
And, perhaps, even worse
It appears that my maid’s been mislaid.”

And now, my haiku:

Memorized data—
Still there, but hard to access.
Mulltiple choice brain.

Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to write a limerick or haiku (or both) about absent-mindedness and/or memory. When you’ve posted your verse, please return here and add a direct link to your themed poetry.

If you want to keep up to date with my poetry prompts, you can subscribe to either my entire blog feed or just to my limerick and haiku prompt topic feed.

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8 Responses to “Lost Cause? (Limerick and Haiku Prompt — Open Through February 14th)”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Found your wonderful site through google blogsearch … I adore both limericks and haiku, have read several of yours and plan to read more. I wish I’d grown up with a last name like “Begun” … that is simply awesome. My condolences on the passing of your father.

  2. lissa says:

    Love that haiku.

    I will try to write a haiku and limerick for this prompt but you’re definitely the queen of haiku and limericks.

  3. sister AE says:

    Welcome back! I’ve contributed a limerick for this.

    And I say keep at it a while. It takes a new effort a while to “grow legs” and it needs a bit of time (perhaps now that folks are settling in after the holidays and “resolution” craziness.

  4. paisley says:

    ….or maybe her maid is getting…..

    good to have you back mad… ever so sorry for your loss……

  5. lissa says:

    I can’t seem to write any funny limericks but that’s okay. Hope they still gets read.

  6. Scout says:

    Okay. I gave it a try! I’ve never written limericks so this was a “try”. Next time I will do better! Fun topic, too!

  7. madkane says:

    Allicia, you need to repost your Mr. Linky link. I’d fix your current one, but I don’t know what URL you want to link to.

  8. Astrid Lee, Reiki Master Teacher says:

    I don t know
    I am posting this.
    my absent-minded mind

    Guided by
    Reiki intuition
    or Angels
    I trust:
    Right-action takes place
    in my world.