Shower Demons

As I shower
Poems pour out from parts unknown,
Demanding to be shared.

Still, I linger.
Verses taunt me: “Write us down.
Your thoughts, they must be bared.”

End of shower.
Laptop beckons. Towel’s dropped.
I’m free — my poem’s been aired.

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10 Responses to “Shower Demons”

  1. Sara says:

    Poems come to me in the car.

    Thanks for sharing your process with us. The way you describe it is intimate and revealing.

  2. SandyCarlson says:

    Lovely. Umberto Eco said he’d write in the shower if such a thing as plastic paper existed! Now we need shower proof computers!

  3. UL says:

    oh how beautifully stated, very intimate indeed. no wonder they rock, thank you for sharing.

  4. madkane says:

    Thanks so much for your kind words!

  5. Sarah says:

    Shower is often my place also aswell as when I’m running. Thanks for that – made me smile ;-)

  6. so true!! the words come at the drop of a hat, not caring what we might be doing & they demand to be written!

  7. madkane says:

    Thanks ! Glad you could relate!

  8. therapydoc says:

    Thanks for the clean submission to Obsession!

  9. Steve Nance says:

    Love it, Mad! Talk about evocative imagery.

    Tittillating lines
    Taunt as they flaunt, then scatter
    It’s cat-herding time

  10. madkane says:

    Thanks, Steve! I enjoyed your haiku!