Rest In Peace Jon Swift a/k/a Al Weisel (Updated With “Limerick Ode To Jon Swift”)
Note: I’ve updated this with a limerick in Jon Swift’s honor at the bottom of this post.
Alas, there’s tragic news in the blogging and journalism communities: One of my favorite satirical bloggers, the brilliant Jon Swift a/k/a journalist Al Weisel has died suddenly. Tom Watson has the details about the death of this hilarious faux conservative blogger.
What a terrible loss! Rest in peace, Jon Swift. Your wit will be sorely missed throughout the left blogosphere.
Update: Libby Spencer has eulogized Jon beautifully here, and so have Blue Gal and Melissa at Shakesville and skippy.
Update 2: I’ve written a limerick in honor of Jon Swift:
Ode To Jon Swift
By Madeleine Begun Kane
A Swiftian journo named Jon
Was brilliant, but sadly is gone.
His wit will be missed
Cuz none could resist
The posts in his humor salon.
Tags: Blogosphere, Lefty Blogs
Oh God, Mad, that hits close to home. My heart goes out to his mother, to lose your husband and son so close together must be awful.
The ironies and coincidences of his death continue to pile in.
He died on the way to his father’s funeral. His heart broke.
His mother also posted the message in comments at Jon’s blog under his final post. Ironically, that post was to announce the death of the son of a friend of his, so now it serves a renewed purpose.
Rush Limbaugh, Dick Cheney, live on. Jon Swift, no.
There is no God.
There is a God…She just has a wicked sense of humor…
Lovely limerick. Think Jon would have liked that very much. And thanks for the kind link.
Thanks, Libby!