Serenade For The First Sufferers (Political Song Parody)

I’m betting that Laura Bush can finally say goodbye to her relatively high approval numbers.  Why? Because on this morning’s Today Show, Laura said something to Anne Curry that’s way beyond obnoxious:

NBC: Do you know the American people are suffering?

Laura Bush: Oh, I know that very much. And believe me, no one suffers more than their president and I do when we watch this. And certainly the Commander in Chief, who has asked our military to go into harm’s way.

NBC: What do you think the American public needs to know about…

Laura Bush: Well, I hope they do know the burden of worry that’s on his shoulders, every single day for our troops.

(You can see Laura Bush in action here.

This calls for a song parody, don’t you think?  And so I bring you my Serenade for the First Sufferers, which you can sing to Carolina In The Morning, by Gus Kahn & Walter Donaldson:

Serenade for the First Sufferers (Song Parody — sing to Carolina In The Morning)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

No one suffers more
Than George and Laura from the war. 
They’re really mourning.

Photos of the dead
On cable news fill them with dread.
They’re really mourning.

They’d prefer ignoring
Tales of death and gore.
Where are the happy stories 
They long to hear once more?

Waking up so early
To the news of hurly burly
In the morning

Makes the Bushes surly.
How they hate to think so early
In the morning!

Pity George and Laura.
No one knows all their pain.
Death’s lousy,
But it’s George under strain.

No one suffers more
Than George and Laura from the war. 
They’re really mourning! [tags]Laura Bush Humor, Laura Bush, NBC, Anne Curry, Today Show, Iraq War, War Satire, George Bush, Political Song Parody, Death Suffering, Troops, Military, Mourning, Commander In Chief, Pain[/tags]

13 Responses to “Serenade For The First Sufferers (Political Song Parody)”

  1. Steve Bates says:

    Ouch! Good one, Mad, and right to the point.

    Laura’s statement was as arrogant and insensitive as it possibly could have been. I’d use the B-word about her, but it would be a needless insult to female dogs. I suppose only someone like Laura could stay married to someone like George, but that segment is still painful to any viewer, and offensive to all who have suffered actual loss in this dreadful war. Thanks for driving that home.

  2. madkane says:

    Thanks Steve. It seems that Laura is more similar to her motherinlaw than any of us suspected.

  3. aparna says:

    Oh this is too good!

  4. Allison says:

    In fine form, as always, Mad.

    “…no one suffers more than their president…when we watch this. And certainly the Commander in Chief, who has asked our military to go into harm’s way.”

    Sounds like she’s talking about two different people here. What’s up with that?

  5. madkane says:

    Thanks Aparna and Allison. Allison, perhaps mental illness is contagious. :)

  6. Mary Peters says:

    Laura Bush is a total enabler of her drunk husband. Look at the video of him in Ohio last week. He went off the script and was rambling like your drunk uncle at a wedding. Look at Laura and George dancing at the white house yesterday he’s obviously drunk. Who is buying the liquor for him anyway? Karl Rove? Why for the love of God can’t anyone stop the insanity of the Bush reign of terror? Stop the war now!!!! God bless the democratic congress. Shame on the republicans in congress for not having any courage to support our troops and insist on their withdrawal from Iraq. Why do the republicans hate our troops so much? Why do they wan’t our troops killed and maimed because a drunk idiot lied us into war?

  7. Kate says:

    She suffers, she suffers, she suffers in silence…..oy.

    (with a nod for Yenta, “Fiddler on the Roof”)

    You’ll pardon me, but I have to throw up now.

  8. madkane says:

    Thanks Mary and Kate for your comments. I can only echo your sentiments.

  9. […] Madeleine Begun Kane presents Serenade For The First Sufferers (Political Song Parody) posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]

  10. […] Madeleine Begun Kane offers another poem Serenade For The First Sufferers (Political Song Parody) posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. […]

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  13. Jackie says:

    I like your point of view.