Ode to the Great Molly Ivins

Alas, the magnificent Molly Ivins has died.  To call her a great wit and outstanding journalist would be an understatement.  She has always been an inspiration to me and to every other liberal I know who tries to write political satire.

Back when George Dubya Bush was Governor of Texas, way before anyone else had a clue as to Bush’s many failings and failures, Ms. Ivins was exposing them, both in her columns and in a short, but informative, book entitled Shrub.  

Ivins had countless fans, of course, but it’s clear that not enough people were paying attention to her Bush coverage.  For had they heeded her warnings, George W. Bush would never have been able to (with the help of the U.S. Supreme Court) steal Election 2000.

I’m going to end this with a limerick, although I suppose some people might disapprove.  I’d like to think Ms. Ivins would chuckle at the idea of a limerick obit, for nobody had a greater sense of humor than Molly Ivins.

Ode To Molly Ivins
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Who started the anti-Bush club?
Molly Ivins, the author of Shrub.
She alone had Dub’s number.
She warned he’d encumber
Our nation as President Dub.

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6 Responses to “Ode to the Great Molly Ivins”

  1. arse poetica says:

    Screw those who would not approve, especially when Molly would’ve loved it.

    What a loss! The world is poorer for it. I read the news last night and the sadness has lingered all day, and I’m sure it’ll linger tomorrow and tomorrow and…. Nothing to do but raise more hell in her name. Keep on, MK!

  2. Kevin Hayden says:

    I like to think she’s drinking shots with Sam Clemens and Will Rogers now and learning how to give the Shrub an eternal wedgie.

  3. madkane says:

    Thanks, arse poetica! Sure hope you’re right Kevin!

  4. […] Madeleine Begun Kane begins fittingly with an Ode to the Great Molly Ivins posted at Mad Kane’s Political Madness. Ivins was a loud voice in the early days of the Bush power-grab. […]

  5. […] Congratulations to all the finalists and to the wonderful Keith Olbermann.  What a great choice!  I’m betting that the late, great Molly Ivins would approve. […]

  6. chris says:

    just finished her book (bushwhacked) and it sounds like the movement behind ron paul is just what she ordered for when she said perpetual reform(page 295) There will be a march on washington soon! Be a part of it!!Ronpaul2008.com