Does The “Knee Defender” Have Legs? (Limerick)

After reading about the “Knee Defender” scuffle on board a United Airlines flight, I just had to write a limerick:

The fight started on a United Airlines flight because one passenger was using the Knee Defender, a $21.95 gadget that attaches to a passenger’s tray table and prevents the person in front of them from reclining.

… A flight attendant asked him to remove the device and he refused. The woman then stood up, turned around and threw a cup of water at him, the official says. That’s when United decided to land in Chicago. The two passengers were not allowed to continue to Denver.

Does The “Knee Defender” Have Legs? (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

Though I’m short, there’s no room for my knees
When I fly, without paying high fees.
But I’d never react
With a tool to contract
Someone’s space, just to feel more at ease.

So the use of a plane “Knee Defender”
Is offensive to me — a contender
For a selfishness prize.
So women and guys,
If you try it, I’ll bitch. You’ll surrender.

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4 Responses to “Does The “Knee Defender” Have Legs? (Limerick)”

  1. brian miller says:

    ha. have not heard of these…
    planes are so cramped and uncomfortable…so i can understand the motivation but taking it out on other passengers def is not the way to go….

  2. Bjorn says:

    Oh yes a read about that.. Imagine the cost of a simple little fight for a few centimes of space

  3. billgncs says:

    The defender might lock the seat
    and render reclines quite incomplete
    better hope it’s a she
    instead of a he
    or you’ll wind up getting your ass beat

  4. Good write about a new controversy however it is the airlines fault. Built the planes to make money instead of comfort. I saw the defender. My plan was to lean on top of the seat and be a pain. I see future fights draining the airlines pocketbook from lawsuits.