Untitled Limerick

Why is this limerick untitled? Because Thursday Think Tank has prompted us to write an untitled poem. Writing without a title frees up our creative juices … at least that’s the theory:

Untitled Limerick
By Madeleine Begun Kane

To title a verse can be hard —
A challenge for most ev’ry bard.
But a title-less work
Can drive me berserk.
It feels jarring and fake-avant-garde.

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12 Responses to “Untitled Limerick”

  1. Marian says:

    (okay, wordpress just told me that my comment was too short and i should “go back and try again.” fucking wordpress. is this long enough?)
    (madeleine, the love! is for you and your limerick, the rest is for wordpress.)

  2. Soooooo true, untitled drives me mad, but we don’t have to visit the catacombs very often. I liked your post :)

  3. Ella says:

    Nice; I love the play on words~ Very clever and so true!

  4. Anna :o] says:

    Brilliantly clever Madelaine – no more need be said!

    Anna :o]

  5. Madeleine,
    I like your words, but I prefer to have a title to work with too!!!

    Best wishes, Eileen

  6. Matty says:

    A poem without a top end
    is something we now need to mend
    let’s give it a name
    like a red headed dame
    and call it a title-less friend

  7. HaHA! I love that you rhymed both berserk and avant-garde. :)

  8. madhumakhi says:

    Nice take on the prompt. Not titling a poem makes me feel incomplete too.

  9. Patrice of the ManyCats says:

    I agree, Mad! Great limerick :)

  10. madkane says:

    Thanks so much for all of your enthusiastic words!

  11. Gary says:

    This was a fun piece of spontaneous writing!
    Seemed challenging enough to try it myself.

    Best Regards

  12. madkane says:

    Thanks, Gary!