Mental Haiku Duet

Left brain or right brain —
Which am I? The one, I fear,
that can’t remember.


Creative options
seem nearly unlimited —
overwhelmed, I freeze.


(The 2nd haiku was prompted by Writer’s Island’s unlimited and Sunday Scribblings’ nearly.)

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15 Responses to “Mental Haiku Duet”

  1. Amen to both of those!

  2. Old Egg says:

    Great complementary haiku poems. Whenever I see a prompt the first time I freeze. How can my brain sort it out. Luckily it is more clever than me!

  3. Lilibeth says:

    Such humor you manage to weave into these as we are slapped with such a sense of “I’ve been there”.

  4. madkane says:

    Thanks so much Vivenne, Old Egg, and Lilibeth!. And Old Egg, your comment about your brain being cleverer than you made me chuckle. :)

  5. “Overwhelmed, I freeze!” :-)
    Concise and so subtle. I love your haikus. Thanks for sharing!

  6. madkane says:

    Thanks so much Mariya!

  7. Cynthia M says:

    I laughed aloud at your wonderful first poem…thankyou :D

  8. madkane says:

    So glad to hear it, Cynthia. Thanks!

  9. Meryl says:

    These are just great. Another week, another treat! Thank you.

  10. madkane says:

    Thanks, Meryl!

  11. Kylie says:

    ‘overwhelmed, I freeze’ – ah, yes, I know about that!

  12. Mike Patrick says:

    A truly good haiku is much more difficult that appearance would indicate. A humorous haiku: priceless.

  13. Mr. Walker says:

    Humor and insight. I liked both of these – and identified with both of them as well. Thanks.

  14. Marian says:

    Oh so true. Thanks for the laugh and thoughtful reflection.

  15. madkane says:

    Thanks so much to all of you for your kind words and enthusiasm!