Harried Spouse

Harried Spouse (Limerick)
By Madeleine Begun Kane

There once was a guy with no hair.
He’d shaved it all off on a dare.
His wife threw a fit
And she said,”This is it!
Grow it back, or I’ll have an affair!”

Feel free to write your own limerick using the same first line and post it in my comments. And if you’re on Facebook, please join my friends in that same activity in my limerick-offs.

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15 Responses to “Harried Spouse”

  1. Maxene says:

    There once was a guy with no hair,
    A toupee he never would wear.
    He went and got plugs.
    Then got many hugs.
    From the girl who was once the au pair.

  2. There once was a guy with no hair.
    He really looked strange when bare.
    He married an heiress,
    with a Chinese Hairless,
    and lived happily ever after, so there!

  3. Joyce Taron says:

    There once was a guy with no hair
    It’s true that his pate was quite bare
    To display manly strength
    Grew a beard of great length
    He cares not a fig how folks stare.

  4. Bob Simpson says:

    There once was a guy with no hair.
    So a big wig he chose to wear.
    The wig was impressive.
    He looked quite aggressive.
    And was often mistook for a bear.

  5. There once was a guy with no hair
    Loved the daughter of pop singer Cher
    Till Chas became Chaz
    A new organ he has
    Said the bald guy, I’m not going there!

  6. Bev says:

    The once was a guy with no hair,
    Who was filled with such deep despair.
    He was known as a beau monde
    with flowing tresses t’were blonde
    until he mistakenly shampooed with Nair!

  7. Better late than never… I hope.

    There once was a guy with no hair
    Whose shiny pate caused him despair.
    Hair-raising pursuit
    Made him no more hirsute.
    “Tis unfair, but there’s still no hair there.

  8. Val says:

    There once was a man with no hair
    Due to the misuse of Nair
    He thought it would save
    Him from a shave
    But instead he is permanently bare

  9. There once was a man with no hair
    Whose talent was exceedingly rare
    When his nose he blew, his hair it grew
    And when he sneezed it was no longer there

  10. I’d be interested in setting up a meeting between your bald headed man and our bearded lady – but then I do have a weird sense of humour!

    circus monkey.

  11. This entry contains several prompts – including this one:


  12. madkane says:

    What a wonderful group of limericks. Thanks!

  13. sister AE says:

    Looks like I’m running late. Here’s mine anyway.

    There once was a guy with no hair
    who wandered with nary a care.
    He heard no one’s jeers
    due to fur in his ears.
    It had moved from up top to in there.

  14. madkane says:

    Better late than never, Sister AE! :)

  15. madkane says:

    Good to see you joining in Rob!