Posts Tagged ‘Media Humor’

Open Limerick To The Cowardly Press

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

I was about to say that the Disney/ABC $15 million cave to Trump was the final straw. But alas, I fear there will be many more straws:

Dear Press: Don’t obey in advance.
Don’t succumb to Trump’s arrogant dance.
If you do, you’ll be under
His thumb — torn asunder;
Vanquished victims of Trump’s rancid rants.

My New York Times Rant (2-Verse Limerick)

Thursday, December 5th, 2024

The old “Gray Lady’s” falling in line,
Cov’ring Trump with no hint of a spine.
I’m so sick of its false
Equiv’lency waltz!
Is it fair to the Dems? I say Nein!

I would stop our subscription today.
But, alas, my dear spouse says, “No! Nay!”
He has wearied of hearing
My New York Times jeering.
So it’s here, where I must have my say.

Trump Election Blame Game (Limerick)

Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

The Dems and the press-folk are keen
On playing a blame game, obscene.
But they’re missing the point
In their haste to anoint
A fall guy: Most voters are mean!

Non-Endorsement Turmoil (Limerick)

Sunday, October 27th, 2024

The great Post has been sullied by fear.
Give that cowardly Bezos a jeer!
WaPo planned to endorse
VP Harris, of course.
But Jeff quashed it and kissed Donald’s rear.

The Media’s Mistake (Limerick)

Saturday, September 7th, 2024

This New Republic column inspired my latest limerick: “How the Media Sanitizes Trump’s Insanity”

Dear Political Press, please take note:
Stop reframing Trump’s rants; use a quote!
No more rend’ring coherent
His spewings aberrant;
Cease helping him skew how folks vote!

Trump’s Poll Obsession (Limerick)

Tuesday, August 27th, 2024

In a call-in to Fox News, Trump argued with Martha MacCallum about the polls:

When Ms. MacCallum observed, accurately, that Ms. Harris was “having some success” with women, Hispanic and Black voters, Mr. Trump objected. “She’s not having success; I’m having success,” he said. “I’m doing great with the Hispanic voters, doing great with Black men, I’m doing great with women.”

“It’s only in your eyes that they have that, Martha,” he added. “We are doing very well.”

Hence, this limerick:

Trump obsessively follows each poll,
And bad numbers are taking their toll.
When he’s bested, he’s pissed.
I’m ahead, he’ll insist.
Don-OLD’s poll-envy’s out of control.

Immersed In Mendacity (Limerick and Haiku)

Saturday, December 3rd, 2022

Many folks have a shocking capacity
For deception and lies — sheer mendacity.
They will lie to the max,
Spurring violent attacks
On those guilty of naught but veracity.


When mendacity
replaces veracity,
sorry state indeed.

Fox Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Fox Newsers may cause the demise
Of their viewers with anti-vax cries.
“It’s my body,” they whine.
“It’s my choice!” Yet they’re fine
With abortion rights cut down to size.

Ousted Liz Cheney, Still Speaking Out (2-Verse Limerick)

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

Headline: “Cheney, stripped of leadership position, vows to keep Trump from returning to presidency”

Liz Cheney’s been rudely expelled
From the leadership post that she held.
Now the House GOP
Is hoping to be
Free to parrot Trump’s lies, with Liz quelled.

But this ouster won’t stop her from speaking;
She’ll keep Trump-centric BS critiquing.
Liz will fight back with vigor,
Her megaphone bigger,
As she calls out the havoc Trump’s wreaking.

Liz Cheney Clickbait (Limerick)

Monday, May 3rd, 2021

Headline: “Scoop: GOP leaders threaten Cheney ouster”

Will Liz Cheney be ousted from leadership?
That’s a question that media readership
Has been asking these days,
Lured by clickbaiting ways
Used by writers in columns and Tweetership.

Tucker Carlson Deceit (Limerick)

Friday, April 30th, 2021

Headline: “Fox News host Tucker Carlson claims making children wear masks is ‘abuse’”

A kid in a mask? That’s “abuse,”
According to Carlson, who’s loose
With his words on the air.
But Tuck doesn’t care:
“Call the cops,” like he says … then vamoose.

Lou Dobbs Loses Job (Limerick)

Monday, February 8th, 2021

Headline: “Why Fox News canceled Lou Dobbs”

Lou Dobbs has been ousted by Fox
Cuz a lawsuit has Fox in a box.
Will Jeanine and Maria
Be next? Great idea!
May Smartmatic clean all their clocks!

Poor Josh Hawley??? (Limerick)

Monday, January 25th, 2021

Headline: “Sen. Josh Hawley Mocked for Claiming to Be ‘Muzzled’ in His ‘Splashy Front-Page’ NY Post Feature”

Poor Josh Hawley complains he’s been muzzled.
But his claim’s keeping many folks puzzled;
He’s a Sen. with a book
And a cover pic. Look,
Maybe Hawley just needs to be nuzzled.

Is That A Threat? Or A Promise? (Limerick)

Sunday, April 26th, 2020

Donald “threatens” to cut down his time
At press briefings. That sounds sublime!
Fewer lies! Less confusion!
More facts! Less delusion!
Few boot-lickers! Who’s smiling? I’m!

The Press Messes Up Yet Again (Limerick)

Thursday, March 28th, 2019

Eric Boehlert on Twitter: “the press is now doing postmortems on the Mueller Report, which they haven’t read.”

Dear press, do not do a postmortem
On the Mueller Report. Please abort ’em.
It’s unseen and unread,
So you can’t put to bed
Or assess it. Don’t write or report ’em.

Trump Dumps Yet Another Press Chief (Limerick)

Saturday, March 9th, 2019

Headline: “Instead of a New Press Chief, Trump Could Try Committing Fewer Crimes”

Trump’s approach to bad press isn’t wise;
He blames staffers, replacing the guys
And the women whose quest
Is good press. I suggest
Cutting down on his crimes and his lies.

Limerick Ode To Concern Trolls

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Pundits tell us to exercise care
Re subpoenas; that Dems should beware
Of behavior too zealous.
Great caution they’d sell us…
Just like GOP warnings they’d air???

Open Limerick To The White House Press

Monday, August 6th, 2018

White House briefings don’t give us the news.
No instead they spread self-serving views
And start lie-fest infernos.
They demonize journos.
Why attend them? The press should refuse.

Open Limerick To White House Press

Thursday, May 3rd, 2018

Jennifer Rubin: “I honestly see no reason for the daily press conference. If she lies it is pointless.”

Dear journos, explain: Why attend
Sanders’ pressers? She lies without end.
There is naught to be gained
From “info” that’s feigned.
Do your homework, make calls, phone a friend.

Sinclair’s Scheme (Limerick)

Wednesday, April 4th, 2018

Headline: “Sinclair producer in Nebraska resigns to protest ‘obvious bias'”

The Trump-loving owner Sinclair
Mandates talking points over the air;
Outlets MUST yell “Fake News”
To dupe and confuse.
The target’s all media that’s fair.