Archive for the ‘Hypocrisy Humor’ Category

Phony Vance (2-Verse Limerick)

Friday, August 2nd, 2024

JD Vance once called Trump “reprehensible”
And compared him to Hitler. (Sounds sensible!)
But now Vance is debasing
Himself by embracing
The Donald, a move indefensible.

JD lives in a house made of glass,
Yet he missed the “no stone-throwing” class.
So he hurls his baloney
At Harris. (She’s “PHONY?!?”)
Poor Vance; his sad ass is now grass.

Boebert’s Juicy Display (Limerick)

Sunday, September 24th, 2023

By now, you’ve surely heard about Lauren Boebert’s Beetlejuice “performance.” Here’s an entertaining column about Boebert somehow managing to outdo herself in the indecency department.

And here’s my latest limerick:

“Pious” Boebert’s well-known for her rudeness,
Even crudeness (though surely not shrewdness.)
Her vulgar display
At a play made my day:
An infamous “born-again” lewdness.

Limerick Ode To Adam Schiff

Thursday, June 22nd, 2023

Headline: “House GOP votes to censure Schiff over role in Trump investigations”

Adam Schiff has been censured? So what!
It’s hardly a kick in the gut
To be savaged by asses
Who lie to the masses
To placate a traitorous nut!

GOP Taboos (Limerick)

Monday, April 10th, 2023

The list of things now deemed taboo
By Republicans grows right on cue:
Sculpture, books, proven facts,
Pills, and personal acts…
Unless done by their guy: You Know Who!

Republican Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Monday, November 21st, 2022

Though Republicans don’t try to stem
Wrongful deeds, when the cad’s one of THEM,
They’ll condemn to the max
The purest of acts,
If that action is done by a Dem.

You KNOW Who You Are!

Wednesday, October 26th, 2022

You think women have too many rights
And that MORE guns will somehow stop fights.
You’ll vote for a liar;
A guy you’d not hire
To baby or dog-sit. That bites!

Supreme Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Saturday, March 26th, 2022

Dana Milbank’s column about “counterfeit commoners” inspired this two-verse limerick:

With hypocrisy Cotton’s replete,
As he trashes the “legal elite”
At Judge Brown Jackson’s hearing,
His rhetoric searing
With “Fake Commoner” Cotton deceit.

It appears that Tom Cotton forgot
His two Harvard degrees. Oh, what rot!
One’s in gov., one’s in law.
Is “eliteness” a flaw?
Then he has it, which hampers his plot.

Gov. DeSantis’s Reign Is A Killer (Limerick)

Thursday, August 12th, 2021

Headline: “DeSantis rakes in cash as Florida’s Covid wars rage”

Gov. DeSantis is raking in bread,
While his rules boost the number of dead.
His “pro-freedom” brand
Brings in cash, so he’s banned
Ev’ry mandate that slows Covid’s spread.

Fox Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Monday, July 12th, 2021

Fox Newsers may cause the demise
Of their viewers with anti-vax cries.
“It’s my body,” they whine.
“It’s my choice!” Yet they’re fine
With abortion rights cut down to size.

GOPers Target Maxine Waters

Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

Censure Waters? That sure takes some nerve!
But Republicans tried it with verve.
Though they’re outraged (they claim)
By her words, they di’n’t blame
Trump for HIS. (They grade Trump on a curve.)

Republicans Still Gung-Ho About Guns (Limerick)

Sunday, March 28th, 2021

GOPers treat gun regs with scorn.
(Hammer sales could be next, they forewarn.)
Tighten background checks? “Whoa!”
Ban assault weapons? “No!”
Yet their “thoughts and pray’rs flow,” as we mourn.

GOP Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Thursday, December 17th, 2020

“Republicans suddenly discover they don’t like naughty words”

O! M! G! Biden’s aide used a word
That is naughty! What outrage it’s stirred
In the horde that ignored
All the curses Trump roared.
They’re a vile, hypocritical herd.

GOP Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Tuesday, December 1st, 2020

Headline: “For Years, Republicans Ignored Donald Trump’s Tweets. Now They’re Using Twitter as an Excuse to Attack Biden’s Budget Chief Pick”

GOPers had little to say
About Trump’s heinous tweets. So blasé,
Were those pols, that they shrugged.
Yet by Tanden’s they’re bugged
And enraged — their bad faith on display.

Golfer-In-Chief (Limerick)

Sunday, May 24th, 2020

“Pious” Trump, did you worship today?
Cuz you surely seemed busy at play
At a golf course you own.
Yet we heard you intone
“OPEN CHURCH!” edicts. (Too swamped to pray?)

Unsuitable Anger (Limerick)

Wednesday, August 28th, 2019

There once was a scandal so bad,
That many lashed out at the cad
Who dared wear a tan suit
In the White House. The brute!!!
It’s amazing what once made folks mad.

Headline: “Five years ago, Obama was blasted for wearing a tan suit. Now, it’s used to contrast him with Trump.”

Limerick Ode to our Blame-Shirker-In-Chief

Monday, December 24th, 2018

Headline: “Stock Market Rout Has Trump Fixated on Fed Chair Powell

Says Donald, The Fed is at fault
For the stock market’s large downward vault.
Blame Powell, he’ll blurt,
Throwing mud to subvert
The truth, via “facts” that are alt.

Limerick Ode To Paul Ryan

Wednesday, December 19th, 2018

Headline: “Paul Ryan sure wishes we could have fixed the deficit he helped explode

Good riddance, Paul Ryan. Buh-bye,
To a craven and faux-wonkish guy.
“Budget hawk?” What a joke!
You’re a tax-cutting bloke,
And your life’s a big deficit lie!

The GOP’s Silence Is Deafening (Limerick)

Saturday, December 8th, 2018

From Pulitzer Prize-nominated journalist Victoria Brownworth: “It’s extraordinary that the GOP leadership has said not one word about the events of the last 24 hrs. A sitting US president has been named as a felon. A felon. And they are silent.”

Now that Donald has clearly been named
As a criminal, who could be blamed
For wondering when
Republican men
Will acknowledge their party’s been shamed?

Free Market Hypocrisy (Limerick)

Monday, November 26th, 2018

Headline: “Trump Threatens GM”

Donald Trump tries to bully and bait
GM’s management. I can not wait
For the free-marketeers
In the GOP spheres
To speak out and the Donald berate.

Yet Another Episode of “Rules Only Apply To Democrats” (Limerick)

Tuesday, November 20th, 2018

Headline: Trump Dismisses Ivanka Email Story as ‘Fake News’

Remember Trump’s dominant theme?
“Lock her up!” — a Republican meme.
Where are similar rants
Re Ivanka? Those chants;
Could it be they were only a dream?